Endocrinology Fellowship at Advocate Christ Medical Center

A Warm Welcome from The Program Director
Thank you for your interest in the Endocrinology Fellowship Program at Advocate Christ
Medical Center/ Advocate Aurora Health. Our team strongly believes in training fantastic
endocrinology fellows. Our Program focuses on building leaders in clinical endocrinology
with inquisitive thinking and high emotional intelligence.
We pride ourselves that the Program is part of Advocate Aurora Health and the internal
Medicine Department located at Advocate Christ Medical Center. Advocate Christ Medical
Center was featured in the U.S. News and World Reports’ “Best Hospitals” and is one of the
busiest hospitals in Chicago.
Advocate Christ Medical Center has the privilege of serving the southside of Chicago with a
very diverse patient population. The Endocrinology Fellowship Program at Advocate Christ
Medical Center/ Advocate Aurora Health focuses on a patient’s centered approach and
evidence-based medicine. Medical trainees have the opportunity to deliver care to patients
with diverse and rare pathologies offering a personal as well as an educational enriching
clinical experience. The Program thrives to achieve safe high quality patient care and
focuses on clinical practice, education and research.
If you are looking for a warm welcoming place, make our Program your number 1 choice!
Joumana Chaiban, MD, MBA, FACE
How to Contact us:
E-mail us at our Program email: CMC-EndocrinologyFellowshipProgram@aah.org
Contact our Program coordinator: Ruth Mrochen at Ruth.Mrochen@aah.org
Phone: 708-684-5405