Training opportunities for ADI-R and ADOS-2 instruments

The Autism Diagnostic Interview-Revised (ADI-R: Lord, Rutter & Le Couteur, 1994) and the Autism Diagnostic Observation Schedule, 2nd Edition (ADOS-2: WPS Edition; Lord, Rutter, DiLavore, Risi, Gotham, & Bishop, 2012) are complementary diagnostic instruments originally created for research, but now adapted for clinical purposes. They are intended to be used by experienced clinicians with training in the field of autism, as well as specialized training in the use of the instruments.  These instruments operationalize current DSM (APA, 1994, 2013) and ICD-10 (WHO, 1992) criteria and quantify separately the domains that define autism spectrum disorders: social reciprocity, communication and restricted, repetitive behaviors and interests. This can be very helpful in increasing parents' understanding of their children's disabilities and setting goals.  

Dr. Valeria Nanclareswill offer specialized training in the use of the Autism Diagnostic Observation Schedule, 2nd Edition (ADOS-2) and the Autism Diagnostic Interview-Revised (ADI-R) at the Pediatric Developmental Center, AIMMC, in Chicago. Dr. Nanclares will provide the didactic training for these instruments and supervise the small groups. 

Autism diagnostic observation schedule-2nd edition (ADOS-2) 

2023 Training Dates - Virtual through Zoom

Thursday, July 20, 21, and 28 (2 ½ days).

For questions, contact Erika Hurtado at

(To view a full description, see ADOS-2 Training Opportunities or download the ADOS-2 Application.)

Autism diagnostic interview (ADI-R)

The ADI-R takes about 90 minutes to administer and yields current scores and history. The ADI-R is an extended interview designed to elicit a full range of information needed to produce a diagnosis of autism and to assist in the assessment of related disorders, referred to by the authors as Autism Spectrum Disorders (ASDs).

The training will be held at the Pediatric Developmental Center in Chicago, which sponsors our Autism Treatment Program. Participants in this special training will be provided the following unique training opportunities:

  • Outstanding leadership
  • Intensive, small group and individual supervision in administration of the interview
  • Opportunity to administer the ADI-R to parents of children and adolescents on the spectrum

To view a full description of the ADI-R Training Opportunities or to download the ADI-R Application 
To register, please download an application and email Dr. Laura Mulford or Erika Hurtado.

Payment can made via credit card or check by calling Erika Hurtado at 773-296-1776.

Please contact Erika Hurtado if you are interested in ADI-R training. Trainings are scheduled based on participant interest.

About the autism treatment program

The Autism Treatment Program offers the most advanced and supportive treatment. Our treatment program has five main components: (1) Intensive parent training; (2) intensive behavior therapy, both home-based and center-based; (3) Social skills groups; (4) Speech, occupational and behavior therapy; and (5) ongoing family and sibling support and education. All components utilize an integrated treatment approach that is based on the most recent research on treatment of children with autism.

Autism diagnostic observation schedule-2 (ADOS-2)*

The Pediatric Developmental Center offers two types of training:  The ADOS-2 Training for Clinicians, designed for professionals intending to use the instrument in clinical practice, and The ADOS-2 Research Training, designed for professionals intending to use the instrument in their research projects.  There are no prerequisites to attend the training for clinicians. In order to attend a research training, however, you must have completed a clinical training at our site or one of the official training sites (e.g. University of Michigan, WPS, Cornell, etc.) and establish reliability with us or another designated group.

Both clinical and research trainings are kept small, no more than 9-12 participants per training, to ensure direct administration experience.  Participants are divided into small groups of 3-4 people with supervision provided by professionals who have achieved reliability with Dr. Valeria Nanclares.  All participants will have the opportunity to administer portions of Modules 1-4 Modules at least one time and view a Toddler Module administration by the trainer. 


ADOS-2 Training for Clinicians

While opportunities for training are available through various groups, including several independent trainers, universities, and Western Psychological Services, often the training does not include an opportunity to use the instruments with actual clients, making it difficult to gain the clinical skills to immediately integrate the use of the ADOS-2 into your practice.  Training at the Pediatric Developmental Center (PDC) differs in that it is more intensive and involves direct individual interaction with children and adolescents on the spectrum, with individual feedback about administration and scoring.

The training is held over three days, with ample opportunities for administering and scoring all modules.  The training will feature small group instruction with opportunities for individual practice with children and adolescents with autism spectrum disorders.  All small group supervision will be provided by licensed clinical psychologists who have achieved reliability with Dr. Valeria Nanclares. The ADOS-2 introduces the Toddler Module, an ADOS module for children 12-30 months of age.  The third day of training will focus on understanding administration, coding, and algorithms used in the Toddler Module.  A live administration of a Toddler Module, with the accompanying discussion of scoring and coding will be provided.

After the training, you will be provided with a DVD of a Module 1 or 2 and a DVD with a Module 3 or 4, with its accompanying protocols and algorithms.  You will also be provided with a sample report using the ADOS-2 as part of the diagnostic battery.


Early Intervention Contact Hours:  20 EI contact hours for Assessment

Location: Pediatric Developmental Center
Fee: $850
Group rate: For groups of 3 or more from the same group or institution, a discounted rate of $700 per person will be offered.

ADOS-2 research training

If you would like to use the ADOS-2 for research purposes, you must establish reliability on the measure.  This is a multiple-step process: 1) attend the ADOS-2 Training for Clinicians, 2) attend an ADOS-2 Research Training, and 3) establish reliability on the measure at the 80% level.  This training is three days long and involves greater instruction on coding procedures and psychometric properties, as well as in-depth discussion about specific administration, scoring, and coding issues.  As with the Training for Clinicians, this training will feature small group instruction with opportunities for individual practice with children and adolescents with autism spectrum disorders.  All small group supervision will be provided by licensed clinical psychologists who have achieved reliability with Dr. Valeria Nanclares.  Research trainings are kept small to ensure direct administration experience and proper discussion regarding coding procedures. 

After the workshop, you will be provided with DVDs of administrations of the ADOS-2 and scored protocols to begin the reliability process.  In addition, you will need to send us a tape of you administering the ADOS-2 for us to score for reliability purposes.  Reliability is established separately for each set of Modules T, 1, and 2, and Modules 3 and 4.  In order to establish reliability, you must show that you have learned the standardized administration procedures and demonstrate that you understand the coding rules and have achieved at least 80% agreement with the PDC.  You will be evaluated on three different administrations of Modules T, 1 and/or 2 and three different administrations of Modules 3 and/or 4. 

To demonstrate that you understand the standardized administration procedures on three separate administrations each for Modules T, 1, and/or 2 and Modules 3 and/or 4, you may include the ADOS-2 administrations completed for the ADOS-2 Research Training.  These administrations may include: 1) your pre-course tape submitted for the ADOS-2 Training for Researchers, 2) the administrations completed throughout the Research Training, and 3) your post-course taped administrations submitted for reliability scoring. 

To achieve agreement and become research reliable, you must achieve 80% agreement with PDC staff or another designated group on three administrations of Modules T, 1, and/or 2 and three administrations of modules 3 and/or 4.  Reliability is calculated separately for the full protocol and for the diagnostic algorithm, where 80% agreement needs to be reached on both.  Administrations for achieving reliability may include: 1) the administrations of the ADOS-2 during the Research Training workshop, 2) scoring of the administration on the post-course DVD that we send home with you after the workshop, and 3) your post-course taped administrations submitted to us for reliability scoring.

Location: Pediatric Developmental Center
 Fee: $1500
Group rate: For groups of 3 or more, a discounted rate of $1250 per person will be offered. There is an additional charge of $200 (per module) for every post-course taped administration submitted for reliability scoring.

*The Autism Diagnostic Observation Schedule-2 (ADOS-2: WPS Version; Lord, Rutter, DiLavore, Risi, Gotham, & Bishop, 2012) is one of the leading instruments for the diagnosis of autism used today.  The ADOS-2 is a semi-structured, standardized assessment of communication, social interaction, and play or imaginative use of materials.  It is used for diagnosis of individuals who have been referred for possible autism or an autistic spectrum disorder. The ADOS-2 can be used to evaluate individuals at different developmental levels and chronological ages, from toddlers to adults, from individuals with no speech to those who are verbally fluent.